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Posted on July 19, 2023 in Personal Injury

five kids with backpacks and books boarding a yellow school bus

five kids with backpacks and books boarding a yellow school busWhile the new school year provides fresh opportunities to learn and grow, it can also present risks that parents, teachers, and students should be aware of, especially during the school commute.

Here, the legal team at The Melonakos Law Firm shares some back-to-school safety tips for pedestrians, bus riders, bike riders, and motorists in the Greenville area. Be sure to contact our personal injury lawyers in Greenville for a free consultation if you’ve been injured in an accident on your way to school.

Pedestrian Safety

Although drivers are required to slow down in school zones, pedestrians must stay vigilant and be aware of their surroundings while walking to and from school. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents are all too common in South Carolina, which had the second-highest rate of pedestrian fatalities per 100,000 people in one recent year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Here are some essential tips to stay safe while walking to and from school:

  • Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available. If there is no sidewalk, be sure to walk far from the road and in the direction of oncoming traffic.
  • Cross the road at designated crosswalks, if available. Always look in both directions before crossing and make eye contact with drivers to ensure they see you.
  • Avoid distracted walking. Put your phone away and stay alert.

Bus Riding Safety

Although riding the bus to school is relatively safe, 426 school buses were involved in accidents in South Carolina in one recent year, according to data from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety. To keep your children safe while riding the school bus, teach them these important tips:

  • Stand at least six feet from the side of the road when waiting for the bus.
  • Walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus to ensure the driver sees you when you enter or exit the school bus.
  • Stay seated at all times while riding the bus.
  • Do not put your head, arms, legs, or belongings outside the bus’s windows.
  • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing up and moving toward the doors when getting off the bus.

Bike Riding Safety

Riding a bicycle to and from school is popular among students and teachers, but it’s not without risks. According to data from the NHTSA, 14 bicyclists were killed in accidents in South Carolina in one recent year. To stay safe while riding a bike, follow these tips:

  • Always wear a well-fitting helmet.
  • Check your tires and brakes before riding to ensure they are in good working order.
  • Use proper hand signals while making turns.
  • Ride on the right side of the road in the same direction as traffic.

Car Safety

Drivers in school zones should be extremely cautious to avoid hitting pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists. To stay safe in busy school areas, be sure to:

  • Obey school zone speed limits.
  • Follow your school’s pick-up and drop-off procedures.
  • Be on the lookout for pedestrians who are crossing the road.
  • Never pass a stopped school bus.

For All Personal Injury Cases, Call The Melonakos Law Firm Today

If you or your child was injured going to or from school, The Melonakos Law Firm will be ready to demand answers and accountability from the at-fault party. No child should ever be hurt by someone else’s carelessness, but if they are, we’ll be there to see to it that justice is served. Call us or contact us online now for a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer in Greenville to discuss your case.

Attorney Michael

Michael, a lawyer who honed his skills at premier Atlanta insurance defense firms, specializes in cases involving trucking, auto, and premises liability, adeptly representing both local and national clients.